Retailers Tap Mobile Features, AR to Drive In-store Traffic

AR filters in YouCam Apps with Swarovski crystals Photo Business Wire

The sales results of the five-day Thanksgiving holiday weekend proved that physical retailers in the United States may be in dire straits, but stores can still win big. And as Hans Klis reports, retailers are tapping into mobile technology such as augmented reality (AR) to draw more customers onto the showroom floor.


De beste en slechtste nieuwe vechtgames

Met ‘Armajet’ lijkt uitgever Super Bit Machine de perfecte shooter in handen te hebben. Foto: Super Bit Machine

De appstores worden overspoeld door nieuwe vechtgames. Welke zijn (niet) de moeite waard? Mijn recensie-overzicht voor NRC Handelsblad en


Scoring Revenue and Growth in the Saturated F2P Games Market

Even though the mobile games market is showing massive growth, carving out a piece of the pie is not so easy. In an oversaturated market for free-to-play games, it’s hard to become the next big Clash of Clans. But as I report for Open Mobile Media, creating a good monetization strategy and marketing plan is… Continue reading Scoring Revenue and Growth in the Saturated F2P Games Market


Bestellen en weer door, dacht het niet

Foto Starbucks

Via de app iets bestellen, betalen en even later ophalen, lekker snel. Niet altijd, blijkt uit de eerste ervaringen met mobile-order-and-pay. Wie het echter goed aanpakt, vergroot zijn kansen op extra omzet.
