Even though the mobile games market is showing massive growth, carving out a piece of the pie is not so easy. In an oversaturated market for free-to-play games, it’s hard to become the next big Clash of Clans. But as I report for Open Mobile Media, creating a good monetization strategy and marketing plan is… Continue reading Scoring Revenue and Growth in the Saturated F2P Games Market
Tag: marketing
Spreek jij al Emoji?
Oh, Snap: Mobile Social Spend May Help Double Mobile Ad Market by 2020
Ever-present Emojis Sell Safe Sex, Tacos, and More to Millennials
Emojis are ubiquitous: on smartphones, tchotchkes, and even a forthcoming film. They are also increasingly a preferred method of communicating, especially by millennials on mobiles. And as Hans Klis reports, given the popularity of the symbols, they are also creating useful ways to communicate marketing messages and more.
Dollar Shave Club en Unilever: Voor een dollar op de eerste rang
Amerikanen wisten niet beter dan dat scheermesjes veel geld kostten. Eén briljante marketingactie later staat de branche op zijn kop. Voor Intermediair beschreef ik voor de nieuwe rubriek ‘Epic’ het bijzondere succesverhaal van Dollar Shave Club.