Emojis are ubiquitous: on smartphones, tchotchkes, and even a forthcoming film. They are also increasingly a preferred method of communicating, especially by millennials on mobiles. And as Hans Klis reports, given the popularity of the symbols, they are also creating useful ways to communicate marketing messages and more.
The everpresent emoji have even found their way, predictably, into sexual behavior but perhaps less expected, into promoting safer practices.
On World AIDS Day on December 1 Durex tried to do this using an emoji: ☔. An interesting, but not surprising marketing campaign. Looking at some of the preferred emoji (combinations) for sexual interaction an emoji promoting safe sex isn’t such a crazy idea.Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 have an increased risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2014 this cohort made up nearly two-thirds of reported cases of chlamydia and gonorrhea in the US. How do you educate these youngsters to practice safe sex?
Lees ‘Ever-present Emojis Sell Safe Sex, Tacos, and More to Millennials‘ verder op Open Mobile Media.