Retailers Tap Mobile Features, AR to Drive In-store Traffic

AR filters in YouCam Apps with Swarovski crystals Photo Business Wire

The sales results of the five-day Thanksgiving holiday weekend proved that physical retailers in the United States may be in dire straits, but stores can still win big. And as Hans Klis reports, retailers are tapping into mobile technology such as augmented reality (AR) to draw more customers onto the showroom floor.


Target zoekt z’n cool

Target in Martinsburg, Virginia. Foto Target

De Amerikaanse warenhuisketen Target worstelt de afgelopen jaren met de zware concurrentie met Amazon en Walmart. Lange tijd vonden consumenten het betaalbare merk ‘Tarzjay’ cool en chique. Lukt het met hun nieuwe strategie hun eigenzinnige en moderne imago bij de klant terug te winnen?
